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136 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes, UB3 3HG


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CLBC News News & Annoucements


Job 33-14


  • Job 33-14
  • The launch of a new discipleship group will take place in person rather than via Zoom.  If you would like to participate, please get in touch with Pastor Emmanuel.
  • Prayer & Fasting Day, Thursday, 6th February 2025
  • Our next Week of prayer and fasting, 7th – 12th July 2025.
  • Warm Fridays
    Warm Fridays will continue until March during Coffee Mornings in the church foyer, were soup and beverages will be served.
  • Church Members’ AGM
    Thursday 13th February at 7.30pm, to be held in Church.
  • New Met for London - Hillingdon
    A community gathering where members of the public can interact with the Senior Leadership Team of the Met Police in Hillingdon.

    Date: Tuesday 28th January 2025
    Time: 18:00 - 20:00 hours
    Location: Leonardo Hotel London Heathrow Airport - Bath Road, Sipson, UB7 0DP  

    Please click the link to find out more and reserve your space
  • 19th January is our communion and covenant service.
  • Hayes Town News - Hayes Town Partnership.
    Subscribe to receive your weekly copy.
  • There is now a new Flower Rota available, so if anyone would like to provide flowers for the church for a special occasion e.g. a birthday, please see sister Adriana and let her know of your chosen date to bring flowers or money to buy the flowers.
  • Jenny DaviesJenny Davies has been a devoted member of the church for many years and is currently working with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) as a Communications Officer in South Sudan.
    Using this link you can read Jenny’s most recent prayer letter and subscribe to receive future Prayer letters.
  • Jenny DaviesJenny Davies has been a devoted member of the church for many years and is currently working with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) as a Communications Officer in South Sudan.
    Using this link you can read Jenny’s most recent prayer letter and subscribe to receive future Prayer letters.
  • Food, Clothing & Supplies Donations
    Please keep our donations box topped up for those in our fellowship & community who are in need. We accept non-perishable foods, eg tins, pasta, rice, etc, clothes in very good condition plus essentials such as nappies & women’s products.
  • Discipleship Groups meet:
    Discipleship Groups take place on Tuesdays 2pm on Whats app, 7pm & 8pm on Zoom, Thursdays 7pm & 8.15pm on Zoom.  A Farsi speaking group meets at the Church on Mondays at 7pm on Zoom.  If you are not currently in a group & would like to know more, please speak to Pastor Emmanuel.
  • Missed the service or simply want to hear it again.  Catch up now!
  • Face coverings are now optional.  Track & Trace records are still being kept.
  • Cleaners Needed
    We are very short of cleaners.  Please speak to Denise if you would like to know more.  You would only need to clean (in pairs) once a month if enough people offer to help.
  • Do send in your prayer answers as well as requests.  We love to see God moving in your lives!
  • Sunday Club Helpers Needed
    Sunday Club helpers are needed to assist the teachers.  If we can get enough helpers, you will only be on the rota once a month.  Please see Denise or Winsome if you are interested.
  • 18+ Our Young Adults Ministry (18+) at CLBC is focused on providing a safe and friendly space.  Learn more...
  • Below is a list of ministries for which we are seeking Church representatives:
    1. BMS
    2. Home Mission
    3. London City Mission
  • Food & Supplies Box.  Please keep our donations box topped up for those in our fellowship & community who are in need. We accept non-perishable foods, eg tins, pasta, rice, etc, clothes in very good condition plus essentials such as nappies & women’s products
  • Hillingdon FoodBankHillingdon Foodbank, helping local people in crisis.  You can find a list of Hillingdon Foodbank distribution centers and information about using their services by clicking on the link.
    Hillingdon Foodbank helping local people in crisis.  Distribution centres at St Edmund's Church from 10am to 12 noon every Saturday and St. Anselm Wednesday between midday and 2pm.
  • Scripture Union Connecting You magazine is puiblished quarterly in March, June, September and December.  View the latest issue.
  • Ukraine  flag
  • Bulletin Contributions Welcome!
    Don't forget you can email or call the office and leave a message if you have anything you wish to share.  Whether it's a prayer answered, experience or an uplifting story someone had told you, we would love to hear it.
  • If you change your address or telephone number, please inform Kim via the office email or by telephone.

Job 33-14