The Community Coffee Morning is a very relaxed and informal way of meeting members of the local community here in Hayes. We would love you to come along and join us for a free coffee any Friday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM morning in the Church foyer. Everyone and anyone is welcome to come along for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat, with no strings attached.
"We provide free coffee, tea & biscuits, friendly conversation, and a listening ear every Friday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM."
We understand that not everyone likes coffee, so we can offer you
tea or hot chocolate as an alternative and soft drinks in case you should
bring along your children.
Volunteers are need to make coffee between 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Friday, at our Community Coffee Mornings. Please contact the church office with an expression of interest.
"Need any help with your English? Let's talk.
Book swap
Book swap (you bring a book and swap for one of ours) or borrow a book and return.
Adult colouring and puzzles.
Did we mention free coffee?