136 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes, UB3 3HG
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40 (NIV)
A collection of young people who meet in "the lounge" during the church service at Coldharbour Lane Baptist Church, on Sunday mornings generally 10:50-11:45.
Building bridges between CLBC and the Community of Hayes & Harlington in a Christian way; and between the different faith groups.
The cleaning and maintenance of any building is always a huge task and this church is much bigger than most homes.
The Community Coffee Morning is a very relaxed and informal way of meeting members of the local community here in Hayes.
Discipleship Groups meet during the week in people's homes. These small groups meet for fellowship, bible study and prayer.
A small team share the task of visually enhancing our worship with arrangements of flowers which are replenished every week.
The cleaning and maintenance of any building and its grounds is always a huge task and this church is much bigger than most homes.
For planned events please contact the church office.
Oasis is a group of older people who meet together for fellowship.
Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00pm.
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence, please contact our Pastor Emmanuel Ntusi. Please come to the front after the service if you would like prayer.
If you have a prayer need or have had an answer to prayer, then let us know and with your permission share the good news to encourage others. Your name need not be mentioned.
Sound technicians work to achieve the best possible sound in the church auditorium for weekend services and other events.
School reception-Yrs6
Fun, games, craft, stories, friends, activities, the bible and so much more.
The Welcome Ministry provides a warm and welcoming environment at our church.
The praise and worship team facilitate our expression of worship through a blend of musical styles. Inviting the presence of God through praise.
For planned events please contact the church office.
Young Adults
18+ at CLBC
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