Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) -
BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 35 countries on four continents. BMS personnel are mainly involved in church planting, development, disaster relief, education, health, and media and advocacy.
Baptist Union -
What do Baptists believe? What makes Baptists different and similar to other Christian denominations and groups? What happens at believer´s baptism? How does the Baptist Union of Great Britain operate? Find answers to these questions and more in About Baptists.
Christianity Explored -
The Christianity Explored course gives you time and space to think through who Jesus is and why it matters. Click on the link to find out more.
CLBC Youth -
Enter the online gathering place for the youth of Coldharbour Lane Baptist Church.
Compassion UK - Compassion UK
Sponsor a child with Compassion and bring them hope. Bring good news to a child who has been waiting many months for a sponsor.
Evangelical Alliance -
The Alliance is the largest body serving evangelical Christians in the UK, and has a membership including denominations, churches, organisations and individuals. In its formative years the Alliance particularly stood for the victims of religious persecution and enabled evangelicals from different denominations to work together.
Hillingdon Foodbank -
The Hillingdon Foodbank provides short term and emergency food to families in the borough going through difficult times and crises. The Hillingdon Food Bank is built on Compassion, Integrity and Commitment to restore dignity and give hope.
Inter Faith Network -
The Inter Faith Network for the UK works to promote understanding, cooperation and good relations between organisations and persons of different faiths in the UK.
Jews for Jesus -
Just like the disciples of Jesus and the authors of the New Testament, we are Jewish followers of the Messiah - 100 percent Jewish and 100 percent Christian.
Leprosy Mission -
The Leprosy Mission is motivated by belief in God's concern for the poor. Our work is an integral part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We offer our services to all who need them, regardless of race or creed.
London City Mission -
The London City Mission exists to share with the people of London, patiently, sensitively and individually the transforming love of God in Jesus Christ, and to enable them to join his Church.
Love Russia -
Love Russia is a charity that is committed to improving the lives of thousands of orphaned and abandoned children and young people living in deprived areas in Russia.
We want to see a just and inclusive world, in which everyone (and we mean everyone) has equal opportunity to reach his or her potential. We're motivated by our Christian faith to serve people and transform communities by promoting inclusion and confronting injustice.
Open Doors -
In over 50 countries, Open Doors is supplying Bibles, training church leaders, delivering Scripture-based literacy programmes and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith. In the UK and Ireland Open Doors strives to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.
Purpose Driven -
Purpose Driven is dedicated to building healthy churches: healthy churches have a clear biblical purpose, they grow and are able to help create purpose driven lives for people of all ages, everywhere.
Premier Christian Radio -
Did you know, Premier is wholly owned by a charity, Premier
Christian Media Trust? We rely on generous individuals like yourself for over 50% of our funding. Find out how you can help support Christian radio in the UK.
Scripture Union -
Scripture Union is an international mission movement that was founded over 140 years ago. We work in over 120 countries making God's good news known to children, young people and families and encouraging people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer. Our goal: that all may come to a personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need.
Tearfund -
At Tearfund, what drives us is a belief that the local church is the answer to poverty. Inspired by the example and teaching of Jesus, we recognise that people have deeply interconnected material and spiritual needs, and we seek to meet those needs by working through our local church partners. Churches are at the heart of their communities full of dedicated, resourceful people who want to make a long-term difference.
The Macqueen Family Blog -
We will be more committed to writing on the blog because looking back over the previous post of Malaysia it really does bring back more than the memories but it keeps an archive of the past that we so enjoyed.
Thy Kingdom Come -
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ.
More than just a roof over your head.
Working to achieve transformation in the lives of people suffering the effects of homelessness and exclusion.
UCB - United Christian Broadcasters -
UCB is a Christian media ministry within the UK and Ireland formed to promote the good news of the Kingdom of God. We strive for excellence and integrity in communicating the reality of life in Jesus Christ in all that we do. We prayerfully and faithfully serve God, and will testify to people's lives being changed for good.
Walk Through The Bible -
Walk Through the Bible UK ministries, home to Walk Through the Bible Old Testament and New Testament Live Events.
World Vision -
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.